Mohamed Ali Eltaher

Documents, Correspondence & Photos





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1947 - Emir Abdelkrim in Aden Abdo Hussein Al-Adhal, distinguished Adeni organized a banquet in honour of Emir Abdelkrim Khattabi when he disembarked from the SS Katoomba to visit the city of Aden in 1947. To read more about Emir Abdelkrim and his adventures, please refer to the Biography page 54).

First row from right to left: Judge Mohamed Mahmoud Al-Zoubayri - Emir Mahamad Khattabi - Mr. Boraq, Secretary of Emir Sayf Al-Islam Ibrahim - Emir Abdelkrim Khattabi - The Yemeni leader Ahmad Mohamed Noman - Abdessalam Khattabi - The host Abdo Hussein Al-Adhal.
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