Mohamed Ali Eltaher



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Several writers, such as Awatef Abdel-Rahman, Philippe de Tarazi, Wadie Philistin, Khayriye Qasmiyeh, Wadad Sakakini, Fathi Radwan, and many others have written about Eltaher in their books and articles dealing with matters related to Egypt, the Levant, the Maghreb countries and other Arab and Muslim countries. Several others also published books in which they wrote about him and others in the same text. Only one author, namely Samih Shbib, as far as is known, has dedicated a book written entirely about Eltaher. Here is a sample of such articles:

1 – Samih Shbib
Mohamed Ali Eltaher: Tajribatahou Assahafiya fi Masr Min Khelal Sohofihi: Ashoura, Al-Shabab, Al-Alam 1924-1939” – (“Mohamed Ali Eltaher: His Journalism Experience in Egypt Through his Newspapers”)
Sharq Press - Nicosia, Cyprus, February 1990 – ISBN 9963-585-09-4

The contents, documents, references and pictures included in this book from Arabic and foreign sources make it the most comprehensive work on Eltaher until its publication date.

2 – Sheikh Taha El-Wali
“Al-Moujahed Al-Arabi Mohamed Ali Eltaher: Wasf biqalam Al-Sheikh Taha El-Wali” – (The Arab Moujahed Mohamed Ali Eltaher: A profile by Sheikh Taha El-Wali)
Al-Bayan Press – Beirut, Lebanon, January 1966

Sheikh Taha El-Wali, a prominent Lebanese Islamic cleric and writer, was a close friend and confidant of Eltaher.

3 – Bayan Nwayhed El-Hout and Khayriye Qasmiyeh
Faqidan Felastinian Kabiran: Abdel-Hamid Shoman wa Mohamed Ali Eltaher” (Two Major Palestinian Losses: Abdel-Hamid Shoman and Mohamed Ali Eltaher)
Shou’oun Felastinia – Research Centre – Beirut - Issue number 39, November 1974

4 – Fathi Radwan
Mohamed Ali Eltaher Kateb Watani wa Fadel Horr la Yahda
(Mohamed Ali Eltaher a Nationalist Writer and a Free Virtuous and Restless Man)
Al-Doha Magazine, Qatar, May 1985

5 – Nabil Khaled El-Agha
Mohamed Ali Eltaher Aasheq El-Horreyya
(Mohamed Ali Eltaher: A Man Infatuated with Freedom)
Al-Doha Magazine, Qatar, April 1981

6 – Youssef Haddad
Britania wa Tahwid Falastin fi Outrouhat Mohamed Ali Eltaher
(Britain and the Judaisation of Palestine in Mohamed Ali Eltaher’s Writings)
Majallet Al-Kateb Al-Filastini (Journal of the Palestinian Writer), Beirut, Issue number 7, February 1979

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