Mohamed Ali Eltaher

Documents, Correspondence & Photos





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1950 - Abdelkrim et al 4 Front row from right to left: Abdallah Ben Alawi El-Jeffry, Advisor to the Sultans of Lahj (currently part of Yemen) – Mohamed Ben Ahmad Pasha Governor of Taez, Yemen – Sadeq Al-Mujaddedi, Minister Plenipotentiary of Afghanistan in Egypt – Emir Abdelkrim El-Khattabi, Leader of the Rif Revolution in Morocco – Yemeni Crown Prince Sayf El-Islam Mohamed El-Badr – Ahmad Hilmi Pasha, Prime Minister of the All-Palestine Government – Eltaher.

Second row from right to left: Unidentified – Unidentified – Ali El-Moayyad, Yemeni Minister Plenipotentiary in Egypt – Zein Hassan, future Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt – Unidentified.

Third row from right to left: Unidentified – Egyptian writer Habib Jamati – Unidentified – Halim Abou-Ezzeddine, Lebanese Consul General in Cairo, future Ambassador to Egypt and future Governor of North Lebanon.

Photograph taken at the entrance of the new Dar Ashoura – Cairo 1950.
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