Mohamed Ali Eltaher



Page 25


1973-Eltaher Last Portrait
This was the last portrait taken of Mohamed
Ali Eltaher in Beirut probably one year
before he passed away in 1974.
Photographer not known.

Eltaher maintained his activities until he died peacefully during the early hours of August 22, 1974. He was buried in a very simple grave in the Martyrs’ Cemetery in Beirut following a military funeral organized by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and attended by representatives of King Hassan II of Morocco, President Bourguiba of Tunisia, and PLO leader Yasser Arafat25. Lebanese President Suleiman Franjieh also delegated a representative to present Lebanon’s condolences.

1974 - Eltaher Funeral in Beirut 1974
Eltaher's funeral procession in Beirut in 1974

Hundreds of telegrams and letters were received from friends and relatives around the world mourning their friend Aboul-Hassan. One such telegram was sent to Eltaher’s family by his friend Ahmed Bensouda, Director of the Royal Cabinet in Morocco. In his telegram translated hereunder, Bensouda said:

“I was moved to learn with great sadness and much pain about the death of the head of your family the Great Arab Moujahed Mohamed Ali Eltaher, who has consecrated his life and dedicated all his efforts in the service of Arab causes in the Maghreb and Mashreq countries, especially the causes of Morocco and Palestine. Please be assured that, if you have lost a husband and a father, we have lost a comrade and a dear brother. While presenting my condolences for this great loss, I pray the Lord to bestow his mercy upon him and grant you comforting patience. We all belong to God and to Him we shall return.

Ahmed Bensouda
Director of the Moroccan Royal Cabinet

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