محمد علي الطاهر

وثـائـق ومراسلات وصــور




بالإضافة إلى الصور التي تزين قسم النبذة الذاتية ، تم تنسيق الصور التالية حسب تسلسلها التاريخي . https://loc.gov/search/?in=&q=Eltaher+Collection+28%Library+of+Congress&new=true&st=

1963 - Studying the map of Palestine
1965 - Jaffa Panorama edited
1971 - Haj Amin and Eltaher in their old age - Beirut 1971
1972 - Ahmad Hussein and his wife Husneyya
1974 - Decoration ceremony 01
1974 - Decoration ceremony 02
1974 - Eltaher addressing Mrs. Bourguiba
Memorabilia - 1897 - Jewish Iconography about the Promised Land
Memorabilia - 1906 - Wailing Wall Postcard 02
Memorabilia - 1913 - Ottoman Pilots
Memorabilia - 1914 - Union Jack
Memorabilia - 1917 - Jerusalem Surrender
Memorabilia - 1918 - WW1 Post Card 01
Memorabilia - 1918 - WW1 Post Card 02
Memorabilia - 1927 - Muslim India and Palestine Iconography 01
Memorabilia - 1930s - Dome of the Rock
Memorabilia - 1930s - Early development of Netanya
Memorabilia - 1935 - Tea Island in Cairo
Memorabilia - 1936 - Invitation Card
Memorabilia - 1937 - Painting by Abdel-Razzaq Badran 01
Memorabilia - 1937 - Painting by Abdel-Razzaq Badran 02
Memorabilia - 1960s - Village of Ain Karem
Memorabilia - 2009 - Peace Camps
Memorabilia - Iconography of the Mandate
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